Tuesday, July 28, 2009

17 weeks and such cuteness!

I was originally going to wait until Thursday to post, since Britton turns 4 months on the 30th.

But I just have way too much stuff to talk about!

In Britton news, I have to say that I have a most awesome child. For the last week, Britton has been sleeping 11-13 hours STRAIGHT at night. Since he sleeps so much at night, his daytime naps have shortened considerably. He takes 3 naps during the day. His morning and afternoon naps used to be 2-3 hours each. Now, those naps are an hour at the most. He takes another nap anywhere from 4 to 5 and that one lasts about 30-45 minutes.

Im my most humble opinion, I think Britton sleeps so well for 3 reasons:

1) We have a routine. Bath, giggles and PJ's, bottle, and bed. The routine begins anywhere from 7-7:15. He is asleep no later than 8pm, usually earlier. He knows what to expect and what it means.

2) I have read a few baby sleep books. My favorite one so far is "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child". I have learned to read Britton's sleepy cues and know that his threshold for staying awake is 1-2 hours. I am also pretty vigialnt about preserving his naps. By this I mean that I want him to get good quality sleep in his crib. I try to schedule my errands and things outside the house to be during his awake time. This doesn't always work out, as there are some places we must be at certain times. But for the most part, Britton gets good naps in his crib.

3) I am lucky. ;)

Britton is also laughing so much more! It's so awesome to hear! He has started to cry when you leave his field of vision, but his memory must not be too long because he stops after a few seconds.

This week, I have also purchased some big items for Britton. Since we only had the Snap-N-Go for his infant seat, we will need a stroller for him for when he outgrows the infant seat. Speaking of, it will be soon! The kid is getting too heavy to lug around in it!

After several months of research and hours of time scouring the internet for the best price, I have finally purchased all three splurge, (but essiential!) items.

1) I wanted a lightweight stroller for quick trips. But I wanted extra features and I wanted a good price. My choice was the Graco Ipo in Navarro. I had it shipped to Karol since we are visiting next week and I cannot wait to use it! I test-drove Britton in it at Babies-R-Us and he loved facing forward and sitting upright! I even got 10% extra off since I went through the SWA Discount site!

2) We also need a convertible carseat for when Britton outgrows his infant seat. Like I said, it will be soon! He does not like reclining in his infant seat and does crunches trying to get out. I knew I wanted a Britax and I looked for ages to find the best price. And I finally found the diamond in the rough at this super-awesome-incredible-fabulous website called diapers.com. I bought the Britax Boulevard Click and Safe. I saved $80 on it after it was all said and done. AND I got free 2 day shipping. I cannot wait to put it in the car and buckle Britton in!

3) This is my most awesome deal I have EVER gotten. I want a jogging stroller. But I don't want a crap one. I was ready to shell out the $400 for BOB revolution. I also had considered a Mountain Buggy Urban, but those run $600 and up, and there was no way Lewis would have gone for that. I was going to wait until our trip to San Antonio to test-drive one with Britton in it. But today, the clouds parted and the angels sang and I got in on the deal of the century. I bought the Mountain Buggy Urban for $300. With a carry cot (which I can use with Baby #2). And a storm cover. And free shipping to boot!! I am so excited to start running with it since I was given the go-ahead to start working out again from my joint doctor. Britton and I have been walking around the neighborhood after his morning bottle and before his morning nap.

Lewis will be leaving for Colorado on Friday morning. My mom is coming up on Wednesday and we will be leaving for Anson on Friday as well. We are having a garage sale on Saturday. Woo Hoo to getting rid of old stuff and making some cash!

Then we are leaving for San Antonio on Sunday night or Monday morning. I can't wait! I told Lewis today that I'm glad Britton will be with me because there is NO WAY I could leave him for a whole week!

Here are some pics and a video!

Mama! You caught me sucking my thumb!!

Such cuteness!!

This face screams FRANCO to me...

ARGH!!! I will eat you Mr. Toy!!

Okay, Mama! I'm ready for our walk!!
Here's a video of Britton laughing. He laughs when I "cough", so excuse my "coughing" and the shaking of the camera. I also forgot that the camera doesn't film vertically, so forgive me. You'll see what I mean.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Mad as a hornet...

...but still so cute!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Helping Mama

Britton is no longer content laying on his playmat or in his bouncy chair while I get things done around the house. He MUST be in on the action. Thank goodness for the Bumbo.

This is a new cubby Lewis is almost finished with in the laundry room. Britton monitored my "laundry folding" capabilities.

Hmmm, which tastes better? Wooden spoon or my fingers? I think it needs a little more salt.

Mama's chopping parsely and Britton is just waiting to stir the concoction.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

We have a ROLLER!!

Britton rolled over for the first time today! I had set him on his tummy in his crib so I could get something out of his closet. When I came back to check on him, he was precariously teetering on his left side. He was "supermanning" and kicking his feet and finally rolled over! He did bang his head a little on the crib slats and he started crying, but I think it was more the surprise of rolling over, rather than the bump, since he has bumper pads on his crib!

I was so so so proud of him! Of course, I called Lewis to tell him, but he was on a conference call. So I texted him! Then I got my cell phone camera ready and put Britton back in his crib on his tummy to try to catch another roll. He didn't let me down! My big boy rolled again! And then another time before he got tired.

So two rolls to the left and one roll to the right. Tummy to back!

Forgive me on the quality of the video. It's from my cell phone camera. But not only am I super proud of Britton, I am super proud of myself for figuring out how to get the video on here!

Monday, July 20, 2009

16 weeks and The Big Texan

Grandma and Abuelito Franco were in town visiting Britton again! We love having them visit and really really really wish they lived closer!

On Saturday, we went out to eat with both sets of Grandparents and with my Godparents. Then on Sunday, we went to Canyon and had hamburgers at my Godparent's house. They have a cool patio in the backyard and it was nice and cool and breezy and Britton loved it!

Grandma and Abuelito stayed until Monday afternoon, and we had lunch at The Big Texan before they headed home. I forgot to pack a bottle for Britton and we had to make a quick pit-stop at the Dollar Store to get a cheapo one. Britton could definitely tell the difference between that bottle and his Dr. Brown's. But he still ate. I guess when you are hungry, you will eat no matter how it's served!

Britton is getting so active! He kicks and bicycles his legs like he thinks he's going somewhere. We didn't get to go swimming on Friday, but we ended up getting in the master bath tub, and he went completely crazy in it. Splashing and kicking and I guess thinking he is half fish! We stayed in the tub for about 45 mintues and afterwards, he drank a bottle and crashed into a LONG nap. I can't wait to get him a baby pool!

Britton is also laughing! I love the sound of it! Sometimes it takes no effort to make him laugh and sometimes he will not laugh no matter what we try. He is also close to rolling over, but I think he still has some weeks to go. Tummy time is going well, and when I go to get him from his crib, he is always holding his head waaaay up high.

Lewis is going to Colorado at the end of the month and we are going to Anson and San Antonio, so we won't be all alone. I can't wait for our trip. When we get back, Britton has his 4 month apppointment, and I am really curious to see how much he has grown and gained.

If you have the sound on your computer, you will notice I added a music playlist. I love love love those two songs. Especially the one called "Beautiful Boy".

Whatcha talking about, Willis!?!?!?

My adorable boy!!

Too busy eating his hands to realize he has a Davy Crockett hat on his head.

In the larger than life rockig chair at The Big Texan

Native Born Texan! Yee Haw!!

He really wasn't feeling it....

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Thy shall not covet thy neighbor

I went to a MOM's Club meeting today. Another mom had this diaper bag.

Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. I covet.

It's a Skip Hop Duo Deluxe in Denim.

I currently have 3 diaper bags. One is a Columbia (gift from shower). One is a Kate Spade (hand-me-down gift from Stephanie). And one is a gift from Similac formula I got at the hospital.

Guess which one I mainly use?

Yep, the cheapo free Similac one.

So, do I NEED the Skip Hop one?

No, but I sure do like it!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

AWing my baby!!!

Woo Hoo! 2 posts in one day! I can't even remember the last time I did that!

But I took these pictures this evening and I wanted to share!

Doing sooooo good at Tummy Time! Look how well and how high Britton can hold his head up!

And of course, the side view, so you can really appreciate what a great job he is doing!

Britton is getting too big for his tub! He kicks his leg out all the time and splashes like you wouldn't believe!

HO HO HO!!! Little Mr. Santa Claus!!

Swimming invitation

We have some friends that live a couple of blocks away from us. They recently got a small above-ground pool and they invited Britton and me to go swimming on Friday!

Obviously, I can't put Britton in the pool naked, so I bought some Huggies Little Swimmers and Pampers Little Splashers at Target today. One sale with a coupon AND on clearance! 40 swim diapers for less than $17! And since the weight range is 16-34lbs, Britton will be able to use them next summer as well! He does have some swim trunks that I will put over the hideous Nemo and Deigo cartoons on the diapers.

I think Britton is going to LOVE the pool! He has already figured out how to make big splashes in his tub during his bath. It makes a mess of me and the kitchen floor!

Monday, July 13, 2009

15 weeks and a funny story

Britton is sooooo aware of his surroundings now. You can practically see little wheels in his head turning as he sees something new. Feeding him and getting him to nap are becoming a little more difficult because he constantly is turning his head to make sure he doesn't miss anything.

He is talking up a storm as well. I wonder which parent he gets THAT from! ;) He will talk to anyone and anything, including ceiling fans.

We took out the final head support from his carseat. He is getting so big! I have a hard time toting the carseat around with him in it and most likely we will only be able to use it a few more months before he outgrows the height limit. I have been researching stollers and convertible carseats. I plan on making final selections on our trip to San Antonio since I will be able to try them in person. Amarillo just does not have the retailers for some of the stuff I want. So far, I am looking at this BOB stroller and this Britax Carseat. They will be my splurges for Britton, but they will last a l-o-n-g time.

Britton has been doing great sleeping on his tummy at night. The problem I am running into is that he soaks his diaper completely. To the point where his pajamas are wet as well. Which wake him up. I was told to put him in a bigger diaper size than he normally wears. I did, and it was a big.fat.fail. So my next option is to try Huggies Overnights. I use Pampers for everyday use, but I hear Huggies has the better overnight diaper.

And here's the funny story...

While I run Britton's bath, Lewis undresses him. Tonight, Lewis undressed him and then had Britton laying in his lap naked, with Britton's head at his knees. I came over to get him and Lewis was tickling Britton's tummy. Britton was bringing his legs toward his tummy in response to the tickling and all of a sudden let out a loud fart. Lewis jumped a mile! It was sooooo funny! Lewis thought that Britton had pooped on him! I could not stop laughing! There were literally tears coming from my eyes. (Maybe you had to be there. It's not as funny when I read what I wrote).

Here are some pictures:

I just love this face!!!!
(15 weeks)

Just woke up from a nap. See? No head support!
(15 weeks)

14 weeks 4 days

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Because I have some time...

This is just a picture I took this morning after a nap. He is always so happy when he wakes up. I think it's because he sleeps until he gets his fill. We are very lucky he is such a good sleeper.

Mmmmmm, my hands are yummy!
I also would like you to notice how short those sleeves fit him. I have always thought Britton had long arms, but since it's the summer, and he wears short sleeves or sleeveless, you really can't tell. This is the outfit that Grandma Franco bought for us to bring him home from the hospital in. It was HUGE back then. It fits a teeny bit small, and as you can see, the sleeves are 3/4 sleeves on him.

Britton is wearing a sleep sack here. We used to swaddle him for night-time sleep and lay him on his back. He would nap unswaddled on his tummy during the day. Last night was his first night to sleep in the sleep sack, on his tummy, for night time sleep. He did great! I wanted to get him out of the swaddle because I want his head to round out. When he sleeps on his back, it just reinforces the flat spot. Plus, we'll have to wean from the swaddle eventually and I was not looking forward to it.

Sticking his tongue out

Oh my! So many toys to choose from!

Monday, July 06, 2009

2009 Reunion

Whew! We had a busy whirlwind weekend!

My family always has their annual family reunion over the 4th of July weekend. This year it was at my aunt's house in the Hill Country. Lewis and I decided we would fly to Dallas, and then rent a car for the 2 hour drive.

We invited my 10 year old cousin to come with us. She and Britton got to experience their first airplane ride. The flights were wide open both ways so that was less stress for us. Britton was a champ on both flights. I also thought it was nice to get back on an airplane. It made me miss work, but I know I will also miss my boy when I go back in the air.

Britton finally got to meet my brother and his family. We stayed kinda on schedule with him, but when we got back on Sunday, Britton took LONG naps. I think he liked being back in his crib, in his room, and back to what he knows.

Britton also slept in a Pack and Play next to our hotel bed while we were there. I got very little sleep this weekend. I had forgotten just how noisy Britton can be when sleeping. Every little grunt woke me up! We also put his white noise on an MP3 player and bought portable speakers so we could replicate what he is used to at home. They worked like a charm.

It was so nice to see family and for them to all meet Britton. The only drama of the visit was when my dad had to go to the Emergency Room to get stitches. He was slaughtering a goat and accidently cut his wrist with the knife. Oh, and my Aunt Dianna did NOT bite Britton's legs or cheeks. ;)

Here are tons of pics of our weekend!

I had been saving these PJ's because I thought they would be too big on him. I was wrong! They don't even fit! He looks like a stuffed sausage in them! But I love the airplanes! Too bad he never got to sleep in them. Maybe I can be ghetto and cut the feet off. ;)

The other airplane PJ's I put him in. I thought these would be too big as well, but they fit just right! I don't think he'll get many wears out of them though. His Grammie Brown bought these for him. I think the airplanes were appropriate since he would take his first plane ride the next day.

At the Amarillo airport checking in.

In the cockpit with our Captain on our return flight!

Britton and me on our flight going home

Sweet toes! I love his little feet!

Britton in the Moby Wrap. I love this carrier!

Chilling out on his dad in the hotel room

Too cool with his sunglasses!

Britton with his Uncle Ricky

Face off!!!

I love this picture....

About to cry!

Zayda, my niece

Dominique, my nephew

Liz, my niece

Michelle and Ricky

My cousin Susie, her husband Martin, and their grandson Elias

Look at all the attention Britton gets!

Our little family!