Monday, October 12, 2009

28 weeks

Hmmm, what's new this week?

Britton is eating TONS! He has at least 2 solid meals a day in addition to his formula. He also starts laughing out loud when he sees our dog walk around. And the cutest thing I noticed this week: he lifts his arms when you go to pick him up!

We went to Anson this past weekend. My sisters were there and we had another garage sale. Everyone donated the proceeds towards Britton and we were able to pay for his second carseat, the one that will go in Lewis' truck. It is a Sunshine Kids Radian 80. It will go forward facing to 80 lbs WITH a 5 point harness. It also folds uo for easy transport and has a steel frame. It got rave reviews and I'm looking forward to several years of good use out of it.

Britton had a lot of fun seeing his tia's and his Grandma and Abuelito. It was cold, but he is ready for fall! Britton did wonderful on the drive there and back. He is such a good traveler.

Here are some pics from today:

Look Mama! I can make funny faces!

Happy Britton! And if you look REAL close, you can see the two little teeth on the bottom!

1 comment:

april said...

hes so cute...but the pictures do no justice