My parents came into town this past weekend. It is always so good to have them visit. They took Britton out on Sunday morning. It was a win-win. They got alone time with him and Lewis and I got to sleep in! My mom got this carseat for her car.
I scored a great deal on the Rainforest Jumperoo on CraigsList. He loves it and it is sooo funny to watch him in it! We took the stationary exersaucer over to my inlaws so he can keep himself occupied over then when he visits.
I am going back to work after Labor Day. It is bittersweet for me. I am looking forward to flying again and bringing home some cash, but I feel like Britton will not be taken care of as well as he would by me. That may sound awful, but no one knows him like I do.
Here are some pictures:
oh what an awesome outfit!
He won't be in the BEST hands, those are yours.... be he will be in GOOD hands. He will be fine, and won't remember when he is older that you were not there EVERY day. You guys will be great. :)
elisa, you look JUST like your mama. and britton just keeps getting more handsome every day!
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