Tuesday, May 23, 2006

A week later...

I am finally back in STL after working 6 days in a row. 3 of those were doing an AM trip. As in getting up early and getting off in the afternoon. Ugh. It totally threw me off track and off my schedule. I ate like crap and my workouts were non-existant. No more AM's for me.

I did make it back in time for my hockey game last night. We won, 8-1, and I had 4 goals. Woo Hoo! I love that game! I'd play every day if I could.

Tomorrow is the Spirit Party. Huge company party with 1000's of people from all over the country. It should be a fun time and I hope to meet some cool people. My friend Christi is supposed to go with me, but if she doesn't I may invite that guy I went to the Cards game with on Mother's Day. I have a date with another guy tenatively scheduled for Wednesday. And as far as this holiday weekend goes, who knows? Maybe I'll go to Kansas, maybe I'll work, maybe I'll hang out here. The roomie and her BF are going out of town for the week.

Sometimes I feel like the simplest of holidays are so overhyped that it can make one feel like a LOSER if they don't have plans. I mean, what makes this weekend more special than another? At least I won't have this problem on July 4th, since that is the reunion, this year in Amarillo. And the week before that we have the behemoth Trevino Reunion in Anson.

I've worked my butt off this month for 2 reasons: 1) I didn't work much in April. And 2) I don't plan on working much in June. Can't I just win the lottery?

My last 2 sesssions with Jesus the Trainer are this week. I know I'm going to end up buying more. I'm terrified that if I don't work out with him, I will lose all the progess I have made. I have come a long way and learned TONS from him, but there's this little voice inside my head that is scared to death if I don't follow his training regime. I can think of many times when I am working out with him, that I just want to go home. But because I hate disappointing people, I push myself harder. And therein lies the reward.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

if anybody has enough self discipline to work out on their own its you. i know youll do great on your own.