Saturday, January 30, 2010

10 months.

This is the push/ride on toy that April bought for Britton.  He isn't able to "drive" it yet, but he sure likes "honking" the horn!

Sitting on Daddy's shoulders

YES!! I get to feed myself!!

Sharing my food with the doggy

Trying to sit nicely on Grammie's special blue sofa.

Concentrating really hard on the play table

But I don't want to take any more pictures!!  (He was hungry and cranky).

With my mama

In other 10 month news:

Britton is pulling up on EVERYTHING.  But he still doesn't know the proper way to sit back down.  For now, he just lets go and hopefully lands on his bottom! 

I am hoping to go back to work after next week.  I miss flying!

Can't believe my baby is 10 months old.  I am already thinking about the planning for his 1st Birthday Party.


april said...

great pictures! i am so glad he likes the toy!

Tiffany said...

you get the best cranky pictures ever! lol.

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness!! So adorable. I love the YES I get to feed myself! picture. I have always wanted one of those mesh feeders. I finally got one for the last kid. Have not used it yet, but am looking fwd to it.