Monday, November 30, 2009

8 months/35 weeks

As you will be able to see, Britton was not very cooperative for his 8 month pictures this morning.  When the kid wants to be serious, he is the KING of seriousness.  Nothing can make him smile if he doesn't want to smile.  Which, thankfully, is not very often.  Britton generally is a very happy, good natured boy.  But this morning, he just wasn't into it.

Seriously, Mom!?!?

No, I will NOT smile.

 I guess I can take the scowl off my face.  But I'm still not smiling.

And this was this evening, right before bathtime.
There's my happy boy!  (albeit, a bit crosseyed in this picture!)

We spent this last weekend at the Franco Grandparents.  Britton loves loves loves visiting them because they play with him and talk to him and just love on him!  He tried out the swing that Abuelito hung on the porch for him and Grandma took him to Abilene and to breakfast!  He also got to see his Great Aunt Dianna and her kids, too.  He LOVED Dianna. He would laugh at her, dance for her, and was so INTO her....the poor boy had no idea what danger he was in while in her arms.  Dianna is notorious for biting fat baby cheeks, arms, and legs.  Thankfully, Britton escaped any harm. ;)

Britton also gave his Grandparents an early Christmas gift.  They loved it!

I had it made on

The seller somehow transfers the pictures you email her to wooden blocks and adds letters to spell whatever you want.  "Te Amo" means "I love you" in Spanish.

I loved how it turned out and so did Grandma and Abuelito.


april said...

those serious faces remind me of ric. i cant believe how big he is getting!

Anonymous said...

love love love it!!!

by the way, he is not crosseyed in that pic. It is adorable!

Glad you kept the "scowl" pics. Some moms want all "perfect" pics. It's cute, but boring. You will want to remember his face in many different moods. I even take pics of them when they are crying sometimes.

keep tracking his steps. He (or his wife) will love looking back on it.