Thursday, September 03, 2009

Adventures in Baby Food

So I ventured into making Britton's baby food. This website was recommended to me and it is so awesome!!

So far, it's only veggies I have made. And only orange and yellow ones at that. Green beans and Peas will make an appearance soon. For now, it's carrots, acorn squash, and sweet potatoes. My plan is to feed him one new veggie every four days, in case he has a reaction.

It was MUCH easier than I thought it would be. And I spent so little money to get so much food! The itty bitty Stage 1 jars food cost $.89 for two. All the food you'll see in a second cost maybe $3. I did buy some jarred food in case mine didn't come out, but I haven't had to use it. Mine looks much better than the stuff in the jars.

First, I steamed the carrots. This was easy, considering I have never steamed vegetables before. I put the acorn squash and the sweet potatoes in the oven and baked them.

Seriously, the steaming was so easy.

Then I pureed them in the Magic Bullet that my sister Karol got me for Christmas. I did this for all three veggies.


I put the pureed veggies in ice cube trays. Each cube is about 1 oz of food.

I only filled up 3 ice trays. I bought 12. WAY overestimated, but next time I will make a bigger batch and freeze more. I think this stash will last about 2-3 weeks, depending on how much he eats.

Popped out of the trays in put into bags. When I need to feed Britton, I just pull what I need out and thaw. Easy Breezy!!

This is his reaction to carrots.
He. Does. Not. Like.!!!!

And just a picture of my boy after his bath!


Carrie Brown said...

Elisa you did a great job!!! Wow, I bet that will save you lost of money too!! I noticed you had the 'magic bullet'. Earle always looks at those when we pass them in the store..I think he would like to make tasty adult beverages with them. Do you like yours? I love the bath pic of Britton, so precious!!

Anonymous said...

so impressed. You go!

The pictures are adorable. Man, time speeds by.

Tiffany said...

i can't wait to make mia's baby food! using the magic bullet is a great idea! we have one that's the same thing, only called something different. i was going to use the blender, but that will be so much easier!

great job, elisa!