Monday, March 16, 2009

Baby Update

Can you freaking believe I actually gained weight since my appointment 5 DAYS AGO?!?! Argh.... I also had the lovely experience of waking up to choking on my own reflux this morning. Yuck!!

All the usual was normal...blood pressure, pee, and BB's heartbeat was back in the 150's. It's been such a squirmy thing lately! He/She gets the hiccups a lot. Lewis even notices when he puts his hand on my belly.

My GBS test came back negative. Basically, that just means I don't have to be given antibiotics when I go into labor. Which is a good thing, since they have to be administered through and IV and I plan on not having one. I will have a Hep Lock, which will give quick access to an IV if I end up needong one for some reason. I want to be mobile, if I choose, during labor.

I also had my first internal. I'm willing to bet good money BB will not arrive this week. I am not dilated AT ALL and my cervix is only 20% effaced. BB's head is also at a Station -3. Click on the links to see what those terms mean.

I have another appt next Monday. I left today's appt with "my file". Basically, it's paperwork with all my information on it from my OB so I can pre-register and get the hospital on board with my history/stats/etc.

Lewis and I attended some baby classes this weekend. It was nice to hear Lewis say that he learned some valuable information. I have to agree. This was something that really stood out for us.

In other news, my birthday was last week. I am now 33. (Holy Cannoli!)

Lewis had to work late that night, but he came home with a very nice card and a dozen beautiful red roses. We went out to eat at a very yummy Italian restaurant on Saturday with his parents. My MIL made my favorite dessert to eat afterwards (yes, April, it was that Strawberry Freeze pie!).

Our guest bedroom is about done. Lewis just needs to hang some stuff on the walls and we need to move the dresser in there. It is too heavy for Lewis to do by himself, and if I help him, BB will plop on the floor. :)

Lewis also worked on cabinets for the Laundry Room this weekend and I'm optimistic they will be up in a couple of weeks!

Otherwise, nothing new. The weather is supposed to be incredible this week! Yay!!

And Happy Early Birthday Padrino Luis!


Anonymous said...

save a piece of that pie for me!

Crissybug said...

Happy late birthday! I am getting so excited for you guys! Everytime I pop in here and see your little ticker I am floored at how fast the time has gone (for you I am sure it has crept by). Anyway...don't worry about your progress. Most the time your first baby takes awhile to make things happen. You are still a bit away from the due date so it is okay that you aren't dilated or effaced very much.

Good job on getting all those different projects done!