Tuesday, March 30, 2010

One Year Old

My baby turned one today. 

He woke up happy, as usual.  I went into his room and sang Happy Birthday as he stood in his crib.  I was greeted with smiles and babbling.  His MeeMaw called and sang him Happy Birthday as well.  My Grandma used to sing to me on each of my birthdays, so it was very special to me when my mom sang to him.

We took professional pictures around lunchtime.  We got some of all of us as a family, and some of Lewis and Britton, and some of Britton and me.  But mostly we got pictures of Britton to celebrate this bittersweet milestone.

I stupidly forgot to feed him an early lunch AND forgot to pack snacks.  But Lewis came to the rescue with some fig newtons and a granola bar. (How can a mom forget to feed her baby!?!?!?)

Afterwards, we came home and Britton took a long nap after eating a late lunch.  We then visited with Grammie and Grandpa for about an hour.

When Lewis came home, we sat down to dinner.  Britton had some of his favorites..chicken, squash, bread and apples, with some green beans for good measure.

Lewis and I sang Happy Birthday to Britton and he grinned and looked at us like we were crazy.  He had a piece of cake and liked the icing.  But mainly he just smashed it with his hands and smeared it on his highchair tray.

We played for a little bit after dinner and then gave him his bath.  After putting on his PJ's we read "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?".  He fell asleep soon after his bottle.

I can't believe how fast this year has flown.  He is so big and can do so many things.  We will have his official birthday party this coming Saturday.

Stay tuned for some pictures from today's session in a couple of weeks.  I will also be writing Britton a letter from his mama for his first birthday.

Happy Birthday Mijo!  Mama and Daddy love you SO much!

1 comment:

april said...

happy birthday b! i love you!