Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas 2008

Christmas 2008 was a most untraditional Christmas. It was our first Christmas as a Mr. and Mrs., but it didn't quite go as planned. It's also weird to think that we will have an 8 month old baby at Christmas 2009!
My sister April came to visit and both Lewis and I loved having her here! She totally helped me clean my house more thoroughly than I think it's ever been cleaned. I cannot even begin to thank her enough for her help. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! If I think about it too long, it makes me want to cry. **sniff, sniff**
Normally, Christmas is a huge deal with Lewis' family. There is a Christmas Eve tradition of going over to my in-law's house and ordering pizza and wrapping gifts. Christmas morning, we head over for breakfast and gift opening. Then we just hang out, watch TV, read, and snack all dayon my MIL's baking, until it's time for Christmas dinner.
However, Christmas festivites were postponed this year. A couple of weeks ago, my MIL was scheduled to have an outpatient medical procedure. As she was getting to the medical facility, my FIL, in another vehicle, was in a car accident. He broke his femur and was taken to a different facility from my MIL. He underwent emergency surgery to put his leg back together. Lewis and I were juggling two parents, at two different hospitals, calling and texting updates to each other.
MIL's procedure went very well and she went home that evening. Lewis and I spent the night at her house to make sure she was taken care of. FIL spent the night in the hospital with the hope of being transferred to Lewis' hospital the next day.
However, he was moved to a cardiac critical care unit after some heart problems developed. FIL is an older gentleman who isn't in the best health to begin with. So the stress of the surgery compounded his other health problems. He spent about a week in the CCU, but thankfully was stabilized.
FIL was finally moved over to the rehab facility at the hospital where Lewis works. Lucky for him, Lewis can check on him everyday from work.
FIL is looking much much much better. The hope is to have him back at his house in 2-3 weeks, following some rehab and therapy.
Needless to say, our priorities were not on Christmas festivites this past week. We visited FIL in the hospital on Christmas Day and had lunch there with him. That night, Lewis, April, and I went to the movies and saw The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. My opinion on the movie? Wait until the DVD. :) I didn't think the movie was all that great.
We did hit the after-Christmas sales on Friday. The most important purchase was a Christmas tree. If you have ever been to our house, you know it is very Spartan, by choice. But I really want BB to have a tree for it's first Christmas next year. We got one for 50% off at Dillards and it was a steal!
Below are some pics of a couple of things we found for the BB as well.
April and I found these Halloween pajamas for BB on sale at Baby Gap. They were $2.97! They are 6-12 months and should fit pefectly by the time October 09 rolls around!

Another Baby Gap sale find! Camo socks for $.99! Aren't they tiny?

One of the many rooms we cleaned out was an extra bedroom that will be BB's nursery. Lewis put together the crib and the mattress I ordered off the internet fit perfectly. It's still very bare, but we will be adding a dresser/changing table, a rocker/glider, and MIL will be making the bedding and window treatments. I also have to find a rug and some stuff for the walls. It seems to strange to me that a baby will be occupying this crib in a few short months. And not just "any" baby, but "our" baby!
BB has been a kicking/punching machine lately! I definitely feel movement everyday. Lewis and April even got to SEE my belly jump around from the movement.

The other big event that happened this weekend is that Lewis and I got new cell phones. If you know us, we both had cell phones that were older than dirt. Both of ours were about 5 years old. As in no camera, no internet capabilities, etc. I know we will both be dutifully studying the user guides to figure out how they work!
And for me, I not only got a new phone, but I completely changed carriers and had to get a new phone number. I am a bit sad about losing the phone number I have had for almost 10 years, but it is a hassle to live in an 806 area code when my cell phone was a 314 area code. I have emailed or texted the majority of my friends and family, but if you still need my new cell phone number, send me an email!
I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you forgot to say that the cute pajamas for BB glow in the dark!